Home and office uses
Once regarded as a very expensive material for everyday articles in the home and office, stainless steel has emerged in recent years as highly desirable and yet easily affordable. As the cost of stainless steel, in relation to that of competing materials, has reduced progressively over the years, so designers and manufacturers have exploited its attractive properties to provide all of us with countless functional products for use indoors and outdoors.
Examples which come readily to mind are the kitchen sink and the humble saucepan. Stainless steel has become the material of choice for these applications and is no longer accessible only to the “high-end” consumer.
While sinks and tableware provided the introduction to stainless steel for many consumers, these were quickly followed by cutlery and tableware and, more recently, by ranges, ovens, work-surfaces and mixing appliances.
This library section will not only illustrate how stainless steel is improving the appearance and functionality of our kitchens but also why its special hygienic properties help protect the purity and safety of our food.
Stainless steel is being extensively used in the kitchen and bathrooms of private homes. Some applications are highlighted here.
Choosing stainless steels for an application ensures that it will be produced in a responsible way, with an extremely low life-cycle inventory (also known as the life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions profile). Furthermore, stainless steel products have low, or close to zero, maintenance costs during their long life, and stainless steels can be reused indefinitely because they are easy to recycle without any loss of quality or material integrity.
Several applications in stainless steel can be found in offices around the world. Some interesting ones are discussed here.
Sports are now part of our lives. As more and more people enjoy more leisure and do not exert a physical activity in their professional lives, sports have grown to be the way to keep the body healthy. Sport is recommended for people of all ages, from the young for muscular development, improved coordination and skills to the elderly as a condition for retarding ageing.
Many stainless steel objects can be found in the living area of our homes, ranging from appliances to hot water tanks and candle holders. Some are in focus here.
Stainless steel applications are ideal for applications in the garden.