Building with stainless steels

Building with stainless steels for a resilient and low-maintenance future

Stainless steels are often discounted as suitable materials for the built environment as they are seen as high-cost materials. They do however, when correctly selected for each application, offer the ability to lightweight structures with no loss of structural integrity. Furthermore, they can offer corrosion prevention in locations where corrosion is often invisible which thereby ensures ongoing structural and/or operational integrity. Stainless steels are a super family of materials which are often not fully understood.

Discover why stainless steels, should be part of our routine materials palette, for the built environment.


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Why Use Stainless Steel Fasteners? The Compelling Case

It is vitally important that appropriate stainless steel fixings and fasteners are always used in conjunction with primary stainless steel components in order to avoid future undesired outcomes which can include;

  1. Galvanic corrosion
  2. Pitting corrosion
  3. Crevice corrosion

In this context ‘appropriate stainless steel fixings’ means products that have an appropriate chemical analysis for the application and suitable mechanical properties to ensure long-term robustness of each installation.

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Marvels of Stainless Steels in Construction

Have you ever wondered what the possibilities with stainless steels in construction are? They are endless… but what is the optimal choice, which type of stainless steel should be used, are stainless steels a sustainable choice, … Become enlightened and watch the Marvels of Stainless Steels in Construction webinar.

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Modular Construction with Stainless Steels

Modular construction allows for a rethinking of materials selections decisions which permits an increased use of more resilient materials whilst offering a significant reduction in both life cycle costs and life cycle emissions.

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