Stainless steel in infrastructure

Stainless Steel Reinforcement

Stainless steels are one of the ultimate low or zero maintenance materials therefore if you would like to learn more about how reinforcement by selectively using stainless steels can provide us with safe, sustainable and cost-effective structures over the long term.

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New lasting urban furniture with stainless steels

Whenever we walk on the street, we can easily see benches, bus stops, waste bins, streetlamps, ... In many cases, street furniture is made of plastic, wood, and/or carbon steel. Many street furniture manufacturers and the municipalities who purchase from them tend to believe these are a more cost efficient option than stainless steels. 

This webinar illustrates the true financial and sustainable benefits of stainless steels in street furniture applications using real world examples. Learn why stainless steel urban furniture is a sustainable solution at all times.

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Coastal Structures: Protecting our People

37% of the world’s population lives within 100 km of the coast. Climate change will cause major damages to coastlines and low-level land masses, due to the rise of sea water levels and more frequent extreme events. Major investments will be needed to minimise the damage to land, people and economies. A marine environment corrodes steel and most other metals due to the high Chloride content in the sea water. Using stainless steels in critical places in these structures will provide a long-lasting solution.

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Wasting Fresh Water: Stopping Systemic Failures

Around one third of valuable treated drinking water is lost through leaks in distribution systems. Not only in developing cities, even the capital cities of major economies are losing far more water than is sustainable. In Tokyo, Seoul and Taipei they have installed corrugated stainless steel water service pipes; a system which avoids leaking at joints, reduces the number of joints, prevents residues building up in pipework and resists seismic shocks. Even though the impression might be this must be a high cost option, it is not in the long term. Learn more about this system that can save millions of cubic metres of fresh treated water, reduced overall costs and reduced GHG emissions.

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Building Bridges for Generations

Life Cycle Cost (LCC) evaluations using stainless steels in critical components of bridges consistently shows the benefits of providing operation with very little maintenance over a lifetime exceeding a century. Stainless steels offer an extremely attractive way of providing structural integrity over unlimited time, as a direct result of their high strength and durability and their excellent corrosion resistance that resists all climates and weather conditions. Whilst the material acquisition costs of stainless steels are higher than competing materials, the massive reduction in lifetime maintenance costs mean that choosing stainless steels becomes the significantly lower cost option over the service life. Furthermore, the reduction in CO2 emissions by avoiding standing traffic during bridge maintenance regimes is another compelling benefit.

Building bridges using stainless steels means building safe bridges for generations.

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