Life Cycle Thinking

A Paradigm Shift for Materials Selection

The notion of life-cycle thinking is becoming more and more important in our society. Furthermore, adopting this type of thinking is vital in order to ensure we make the best possible decisions to safeguard the future of our global society and our planet. Many people understand this message, but little has really changed in our day-to-day lives. The notion of using resilient materials in our society has, for many decades, been subliminally overtaken by the single use principle. Outside of healthcare where patient safeguarding is paramount why have we allowed ourselves to be brainwashed into relentlessly adopting single-use and often unrecycled products?

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Emissions and Resilient Materials

Around 75% of the emissions associated with a product or installation occur in the operational or usage phase. Therefore, only around 25% of emissions are associated with materials production, product assembly and installation. Careful consideration of the most suitable and resilient materials for products and installations can lead to a significantly beneficial outcome which not only reduces the emissions associated with the use of a product or operation of an installation, but also reduces life cycle costs and maintenance needs.

In order to overcome the barriers associated with this changed way of thinking we must reset our minds. This means shifting away from compartmentalized thinking to holistic thinking and demands that all major organizations ‘design for generations’ and not for the short term. We just cannot afford to continue using the current amount of virgin consumption we have been used to for decades.

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Can Stainless Steels Compete with Plastics?

In this webinar, worldstainless Secretary-General Tim Collins illustrated with real world examples how stainless steel products can really compete with plastic products. Stainless steels are one of the ultimate low or zero maintenance materials. Watch and learn more about how stainless steels can provide us with a safe and sustainable future.

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Stainless Steel in the World

Stainless steel is critical to the world economy and seen in everyday use. From cutlery and cookware for daily meals, to surgical tools necessary for saving lives, to transportation, architecture, and more.

This steelTalks will give an overview of how stainless steels are produced and the growth potential in applications. The lecture will also differentiate the different types of stainless steel and address how the industry is addressing the sustainability credentials of stainless steel.

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