Understanding corrosion

Understanding corrosion

Material decay and corrosion are natural processes. Almost all materials will in one way or another decay over time. The effects of corrosion in our daily lives can be seen both in our households, but also in the infrastructure we use to e.g. travel from home to work or school and in the industrial facilities that produce what we need to have comfortable and healthy lives.

Even materials, which we believe to be resistant to corrosion like stainless steels, do corrode in certain circumstances. To protect materials from corrosion we first have to understand why it occurs after which we can find solutions to avoid it as much as possible.

Avoiding corrosion means we can save costs and in extreme situations even save lives.

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Understanding Corrosion; Chapter 2

During our everyday lives we see corrosion all around us, but do we ever stop and think about why something is corroding. More importantly do we ever think what could happen if the corrosion we observe is not left unchecked or more appropriately prevented? Learn more about corrosion and how to prevent it.

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